Member Benefits 068: Tutoring Support
Cindy, I can’t tell you how wonderful your videos have been for me. The course I purchased has launched me into creating beads that are an amazement to me and also to my friends! I love all the videos you send as well as your prompt answers to any questions or concerns. Being able to learn from your mistakes is very, very valuable. Thanks again for all your hard work and willingness to share your knowledge and experience with us. ~Marsha-N >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Tutorial Videos
Hi Cindy! Have to say, that the video info. was great! I found myself feeling a new found courage. Ahem! Anyway, as usual, want you to know that you are still the top Banana, and I’ve never been disappointed by the information you have shared with me! Right on the dime!!! Appreciate how easy you make it seem for people like myself, and I’m sure others too. Hope that everything is going well for you and your loves. Thank you for sharing a part of your soul!!! Ya gotta know that I appreciate your help immensely, and that I consider you to be one of my many Blessings!! Alot of times, even though people are doing something like this for a business, they tend to hold something back. I’m of the ilk, that when you help someone — you give it your all. I’m a beader, and share my expertise with others. It brings joy to my heart, to see someone smile — when they finally know that they have aced some type of technique! This is the name of the game, and you have it down pat. LUV YA. ~Diana-S >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Bead Crafts
Cindy, first of all I want you to know, I run to you because your teaching has helped me grow enough for this. I can’t even begin to thank you for your tutoring and all you have done for me! I love you and I’m so glad your April Fools prank was just that… a prank. Thankfully my story below, is not! I went to a local bead store in town this week, and asked if I could show her my beads. I wanted to know if they were up to a level to where I could sell them as simply beads and if there would be a market locally. Before this I had only shown my beads at work, to friends, and a very small craft fair so it was a leap for me. Well, she loved them and wants to buy all the beads I showed her, after the middle of this month… plus she wants to see all my beads and she seemed so excited! I’m just so excited and scared and excited and confused… did I say excited? BTW… with the faux bone beads, I had to convince them they weren’t actually bone but polymer clay and they loved those! Thank you so much again for your teaching and for the opportunity to ramble to you about the little excitements in my life and knowledge that you (and others here in the community) will read this. With lots of love and thanks. ~Melinda-H >> Original comment was posted here: Wholesale Pricing Tips for Your Polymer Clay Beads
When I read Melinda’s comment about the 5th Friday, my mouth dropped right into my lap. I am amazed how forward I look towards my Fridays. I might not have a chance to try each lesson until the next week, but watching them just starts the wheels a spinning in my head. So when I went on to read your comment Cindy, I felt much better and you can count on me watching my email for that special something to tide us over. Cindy you are made up of solid kindness. I wish I could give you a big hug right now so I will just have to send a hug to you as my grandkids do me uuhhgggggggggggggggggs to you Cindy!!! Thanks for being you!!! ~Peggy-B >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Members Library
A bit late responding to your invitation for ‘favorite tool’, I’m only just learning my way around your blog. But I simply had to respond – without any doubt my fave tool is my computer, to begin with I wouldn’t have found your site Cindy, which has brought back my interest in polymer clay after some years neglect. I’m loving it all again, in fact I’m getting far more out of it now that I can check on your videos each Friday – which has now become my favorite day of the week! And so many great suggestions and tips from members about the best way of doing stuff. I’ve come to the conclusion that clayers are all such nice people, all so willing to help and share their knowledge. What other field of activity can make that boast?! ~Marion-R >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Tools
Awesome descriptive writing you have here, Cindy…you “done good”, kiddo! Looking around our world is not only good for finding inspiring artwork ideas, but it also nourishes the soul… and makes our eyeballs happy campers! :) ~Garnie-S >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Cane Designs Inspired by Dainty Spring Flowers
I have tried several canes and they have not worked well, but what the heck. Adventure is the name of the game, and try, try again is what we as clay artist should do. It’s like a runner going for 26 miles and hitting a brick wall at 24 miles. We need to push through it and when we do the feeling can be so high. So I say to all of you who want to quit. Reach for the the Moon and if you fall short, you are still among the stars. Cindy I so want to meet you, and thank you for helping all of us start our journey. ~Sandra-H >> Original comment was posted here: Making Polymer Clay Canes
Cindy, Thank you so much for answering this question for me! I am learning so much from you. You are so good to all of us… you ALWAYS get around to answering our questions!!! I just do not have any idea as to where you find the time… you are a gem for sure! I believe I will try the method that you mentioned first… it sounds like there will be less chances of problems if I first bake a “scrap bead” and then cover it with slices of cane. ~Cindy-E>> Original comment was posted here: Adding Polymer Canes to Beads
Oh Cindy… that was soo sweet. You are indeed the most Crafty of the lot! I love you with all my heart. ~Beverly-S >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Christmas Poem
WOW, can’t believe you did so much research in response to my request for info [about craft parchment paper]. Found the interview very interesting and informative. Have emailed the company asking for locations of stores in Oregon and California. Will let you know when I hear from them. Thanks for your extraordinary effort. ~MJ >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Color Recipes
I cannot believe that someone would say you do not share enough. That is plain ridiculous! You share bountifuls and many, many great tips that I would have known had I not been part of this community. I am so excited that you will be adding a podcast! I am a visual learner so this will be effective for me and other fellow visual learners. I just can’t say enough good things about you Cindy. Thank you and your husband for all that you two do to make this website A++ in my book! ~Lupe-M >> Original comment was posted here: Beads Beading and Polymer Clay
I’m really happy my suggestion helped Rosemary. I know how frustrating something like that can be. You should have seen me learning to make mobius beads from a book. It was uuugly!! Or trying to figure out what was safe to glaze polyclay with 20 yrs ago when no one knew! I needed Cindy then!! LOL. I don’t know how many projects got tossed because they just wouldnt dry!! But dont give up on the Studio clay yet if you like the colors. I would still try going to their website at and see if they can tell you what might be giving you this problem. And I do love my Sculpey III and Premo for beads. Usually a mixture of the two. I just love all the colors of Sculpey, and now with the new ones there are even more. Thank you’s and hugs to Cindy too, for her wonderful website where we can all share and learn! XOXO ~Jamie-H >> Original comment was posted here: Funny Story Mouse Droppings Necklace
Thanks for the [Etsy] update. Just goes to show your dedication to teach us what is current. ~Anna-S >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Jewelry Trends
I love revisiting all of these amazing spotlights. I’ve been at a bit of a loss as to what to clay-wise now that all the [Christmas] gifts have been completed etc. Seeing them again, each such beautiful interpretations of Cindy’s teaching is providing the shot in the arm I needed to get going again. Thanks, everyone. ~Elizabeth-S >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Soptlights
All of this, so true. This is the PC place to be. I have been poking around the web for nearly a year, thinking about getting my polymer clay out of storage and getting back into it. This is the only place I have found where you get your questions answered quickly and the people are genuinely caring and sharing. Cindy Lietz is a superwoman; there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all that she does. I don’t know how she does it, even with her husband’s help. Now that I am a member, I’m so pleased. Its value is well beyond such a small price! ~Phaedrakat >> Original comment was posted here: Learning the Fundamentals in Polymer Clay
Welcome, Adelle, you’ll not be sorry that you joined our community. The longer I am a part of Cindy’s ‘community’, the more grateful I am that I found her. This group is one that is committed to caring and to sharing! How rare this sometimes is in the art world where everyone just looks out for themselves and closely guards their ‘secrets.’ ~Carolyn-F >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Color Recipes
Here’s to our Tutmeisters, Cindy and Doug !!! Hooray! ~Maria-C >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Library
Hi Cindy, what an exciting surprise I got when I looked in here tonight. Wow You are so generous to find the time to do this and I hope it encourages others to do likewise. You’ve made my day XXX Love. ~Elizabeth-K >> Original comment was posted here: Kaleidoscope Canes
April showers, looks like a beautiful arrangement of polymer clay will reign! Yah, looking forward to all these special techniques. It bears repeating, Cindy you are the best. Thanks again for all you efforts to give us what we want. ~Joyce-M >> Original comment was posted here: Nature Inspired Polymer Clay Flower Canes
I should add that Tory Hughe’s work was directly responsible for me locating Cindy and her blog and tutorials. I love using Google images, and was looking at Tory’s pictures from her books, etc. Noticed I kept being attracted to the pics displayed on Cindy’s site. I see Cindy’s work as having the same basic quality and fineness as that done by Tory, and better than punch, she shares and describes her techniques in such a way as to produce mastery. This blog site and those folks who started out with her training course and are producing selling work now are perfect examples. With Tory’s book, I used to ooooo and ahhhh, but, struggled. Cindy solved the latter. ~Jocelyn-C >> Original comment was posted here: For the Love of Jade
Wonderful month of Tutorials Cindy and Doug. Looking forward as ever for the next one. A massive thank you. ~Ritzs >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Library
This was my first full month of being a member, YAY! There’s no way I’d be able to sit down and just make something and have it turn out right without Cindy and Doug and their wonderful videos. So I say thank you two! ~Tanya-L >> Original comment was posted here: Polymer Clay Videos
The choice of paying for a whole year was what lured me away from using PayPal, thanks for that option. While I am getting rid of most credit cards I will keep one for my beading/claying costs, and that is all it will be used for. Actually “cost” is incorrect, I should call it tuition. ~Ken-H >> Original comment was posted here: Frustrated With PayPal
I’m happy with everything you do! Once in awhile I don’t think I’m going to be interested in an upcoming topic, but I always enjoy the video anyway. Even if I never make that particular item, I’m always inspired and my creativity is boosted. ~Linda-K >> Original comment was posted here: Peacock Feather Cane Video
We all love it when you post YOUR creations!! Such inspiration. Your tutes have so much to offer. You always tell us to take it step further – that’s why we are here. To learn how to take that step. There are those of us who could not do it without you!!!!! Love your giving nature. We all feel it. ~Patt-W >> Original comment was posted here: Parrot Tulip Polymer Clay Tassel
A-SERIES COLOR PALETTE: Speed Boat Palette Palette (4 Premo Sculpey Recipes) ** B-SERIES COLOR PALETTE: Lichen Branch Palette (4 Premo Sculpey Recipes) VIDEOS: Polymer Clay Journals – And Altered Books Too |
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