Become A Member (Annual Pay)
By using the “Add To Cart” Button below, it is assumed that you have read and agreed to all of the terms and conditions at the main Become-A-Member page:
- Here’s how the payments work. You pay $49.75 (US) upon sign up. This covers the standard $9.95 set up fee, as well as the four $9.95 (US) quarterly payments all lumped together. In each subsequent year, the auto-debit recurring fee goes down to $39.80 (US) which is just the 4 quarterly payments. If the membership dues happen to increase, you will be notified in advance.
- Your subscription will begin with the most current Volumes (Vol-085, Vol-084, Vol-083), and you will continue to receive 3 more Back Issue Volumes each and every quarter.
- Before proceeding with your purchase, please make sure that you have read and agree to all of the library Terms and Conditions.